Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just In Case Survival Kit

The main reason why did they invented this because, if the year 2012 does bring the world to an end, Mexican branding company Menosunocerouno, they plan to face the apocalypse with creating the end-of-the-world survival kit, JUST IN CASE, and yet needs in style which includes seven pie-shaped slices of a circular chocolate that can give you a week's worth of treats and wash your dessert down with original hard Mayan liqueur from Casa D'aristi in Yucatan

Encased in a cheery yellow box, Just In Case also packs some humor. Every tool in the survival kit stamped with the words "Happy 2012" so that you can stay positive in the face of disaster.

Contents include:

01 - Chocolate Abuelita : Dark Chocolate laced with cinnamon and covered in sugar.
02 - Domestica Yellow Notebook : A design classic from Monterrey. Tell the story, Write like John, draw    like al Bosco OR use it to start a fire

03 - Simple Knife : Clean affordable design, a minimal hunting tool for animals or Zombies

04 - 40 Emergency Black Matches : Start a fire, get warm,light your way with style. Black is Beautiful

05 - Xtabentun D'aristi : Original Mayan liqueur from Casa D'aristi in Yucatan, one our our favourite brands of 2011. celebrate like the old times they said

06 - Basic Water : Drink wisely, survive up to 10 day with 1 litre.

01 Chocolate Abuelita : Dark Chocolate laced with cinnamon and covered in sugar.

02 - Domestica Yellow Notebook : A design classic from Monterrey. Tell the story, Write like John, draw    like al Bosco OR use it to start a fire

03 - Simple Knife : Clean affordable design, a minimal hunting tool for animals or Zombies

04 - 40 Emergency Black Matches : Start a fire, get warm,light your way with style. Black is Beautiful

05 - Xtabentun D'aristi : Original Mayan liqueur from Casa D'aristi in Yucatan, one our our favourite brands of 2011. celebrate like the old times they said

06 - Basic Water : Drink wisely, survive up to 10 day with 1 litre.

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